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Logistics of the Future: Best Artificial Intelligence Logistics Startups

Why is AI making such a big difference in the logistics and supply chain? Pengiriman Barang ke Luar Negeri from the fact that typically, the logistics industry has lagged a bit behind when it comes to implementing new technologies — in fact, one survey reported that 85% of shippers and consignees agreed that the industry is either “slow to change” or “far behind the curve.” But those that do adopt new technologies such as AI, predictive analytics, blockchain solutions, RFID tagging and Internet of Things devices are ultimately able to see high ROI and improved efficiency for their businesses.

From last-mile delivery robots, to warehouse automated picking systems and predictive optimization software, Artificial Intelligence is already making a huge difference in the logistics industry in a variety of ways that benefit everyone — carriers, shippers, suppliers, consumers — even the environment is benefitting from AI solutions in the supply chain. With dozens of incredible artificial intelligence logistics startups already out there using new tech to make real change in the industry, in this article, we’ve chosen a diverse set to highlight.